CCGGA Comments on CDPR School Regulations

The California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association (CCGGA) submitted formal comments to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) opposing the proposed regulations that would mandate a quarter mile buffer zone restricting numerous applications from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. including air blast, aerial and sprinkler chemigation around school sites and registered child daycare facilities. CCGGA has been actively engaged in opposing this proposal because of the lack of science that is the foundation for this regulation. CCGGA staff and several growers gathered on Wednesday, Nov. 16 to publicly testify in opposition to the proposed regulations. These public comments were supported on Friday when CCGGA submitted written comments to CDPR staff. With no science or incidents to cite the cause of creating this proposal, CCGGA has been adamant that the current laws put forth but the US Environmental Protection Agency, CDPR and the County Agricultural Commissioners office provide an abundance of protection to human health. Additionally, CCGGA cited several issues including concerns with the two-tier notification system, lack of flexibility for time sensitive applications and concern with distribution conducted by schools regarding application information. Should CDPR choose to change the regulation in a major way, there will be a reopening of the comment period. We look forward to bringing you an update when we know more.